Saturday, 19 May 2007

Island Life

Welcome back to Celebrity Lost Island.
Last time we said goodbye to Sly.
I realised that I forgot to tell y'all who Jack had the hots for, and, well, it's all the girls actually- he has 2 bolts for each.
Drew here is trying to be nonchalant and get Jack's attention, but he appears more interested in his lunch.

When the food rations mysteriously disappeared *cough, Jack*, Bruce took over as chief cook of all things fishy.

Jack tried his luck for a date with walkby townie Marylena, but clearly had no luck there.

Neo meanwhile enjoys tending the veggies and soon became more adept at it.

Angelina's job in Adventure is going well and she soon got super fit- although she's just a little scary.

Her mood is not helped by constant calls from hubby Brad checking up on her.
She tells him how irritating the other contestants are, how it rains all the time and how Bruce never shuts up about Nakatomi Plaza. (well, at least one of those is true).

J~Lo is finding it tough going.
Bruce: aww honey what's the matter?
J~Lo: I had to get a job as a dishwasher- me! a dishwasher! *sob*, and I.... I.... I broke a nail.
Bruce (in highly sarcastic tone): You're kidding?
J~Lo: ... and no one likes me, they all talk about me all the time *sob*.
Bruce: I'm sure that isn't true....

Neo: Oh my god Drew- that kills me every time you tell it!

Poor Indy has turned into a bit of a worry-wart too, I'll set him to skill and that might cheer him up. He's not had one single promotion yet as his mood is so bad.

All our contestants are now working- some are more happy about this than others.
I don't know who started the fire, but as chief cook of camp, I can only assume it was Bruce.
Bad Bruce!

Luckily Jack finds his head and extinguisher and saves the day.
Jack: Oh that's just great Bruce, the other guys will be home from work any second, what are we gonna have for dinner now?
Bruce: hmmm... lemme think.... more fish?
oh goodie- the other guys are home.

Maybe they aren't so hungry after all.
They've had a very long hard day.

As Other's day approaches the guys and gals do their best to fulfill their invisible desires.
Drew and Bruce are getting along great.

As are Drew and Neo.

Neo thought it'd be a great way to help Angelina cool down by throwing a water balloon at her...

oh yikes...
back away slowly Neo....

ouch! too late.

It doesn't come as much of a surprise when J~Lo is taken by the Others. I mean really, who prepares for a possible month on an Island by having a few sunbed sessions?

Jack meets up with passer by and last seasons champion, General Sayid!
Jack: nice to meet you man- could you give me some tips on how to win?
Sayid: I could, but then I'd have to kill you.
Jack: buggar-nice to meet you-gotta go take a shower- byeeeeeeeee

He may be sloppy, but we do have a soft spot for him.

Weirdly as soon as Bruce got home a short time later he also bought General Sayid home with him.
Jack was at work... lucky for him.

Meanwhile Angelina is still trying to fight off the endless calls from Brad.
Angelina: I am so not having a good time here,
of course I miss you!
(daydreaming about earlier events....)
like when she worked on her dance moves while the other contestants were at work,

and how she and Jack are getting quite 'close'.

Neo and Bruce sharing the double bed- chances are they'd both sooner be sharing with Drew.

Poor Indy is having nightmares, we just can't please him.

Another Others day is rapidly approaching. Drew and Neo get ever closer.

and once Neo went to work, Drew and Bruce got even closer.
Drew: um Bruce.. you're kissing my chin
Bruce: slurp, huh? oh but it's a cute chin
Drew: but I'm kissing your nose, ewww is that nose hair?

Indy finally cheered up when we caved and found a few more items.
He's skilled a bit and is hopeful that at tomorrow's Others Day he won't be leaving.

and he didn't...
It's everyone's favourite pirate Jack that's going.
But we hope he'll be back!
Tune in next time to find out.
note: someone asked last time where I got my celebs from- some of them (including Jack Sparrow) can be found here at this Simpage TileToad , I found a few others on the TS2 site, and some are from TSR.


Roo said...

that was a riot! I loved it, but oh, not my Jack! Take Indy instead, he is so not as cute as Jack... *sigh*
My girl Drew is making her rounds, careful Drew don't get caught!!!

Sally said...

Nooooo!! Not Jack Straw. He's my favorite. Maybe he'll be back? This was hilarious. And thanks for the link to your download sites.

Kerry said...

mmm, I think Drew better watch out! Poor Indie--that must have been a good skilling session, I was sure he was on his way out!

Rhexy said...

Haha! sorry Ruby, but Indy stays! LOL!

Bye Jack, you were rather nice to look at, so I hope you make it back. And bye to, I agree with twoyys, tanning was not the best way to prepare for the challenge.

Great update.

Ziese52 said...

OK, the 3 passed out in a row! That was just to Funny for words! Poor Indy, he's so sad. Awe but it's Jack that went, we'll miss ya